To me, commitment is the choice to walk the walk; the decision to own the talk. Conviction, then, is the development of an unshakable belief in the walk, while forging (or tapping into) a deeper resilience along the way.
Tag: psychology
On the surface, it may seem like you’re letting go of the person, the friend or the relationship, but it is more likely you’re letting go of the pattern.
I’ve worked diligently for over 25 years to maintain the identity of an unknown, obscure artist, rather than letting him die a sweet, quiet death, or to try in earnest to see if I might be an artist nobody likes—or, maybe to find there are many, many who do like him.
We’re in the process of cleaning up our individual and collective traumatic and emotional garbage. This is quite evident. We’re also taking more responsibility for cleaning up our planet.
There’s a reason we have a dream as a child. We are born with a vision, and we arrive complete with everything we’ll need to accomplish it. It may not initially be clear, but it will always emerge. If our needs are met, we can pursue these desires and ideals in earnest. Yet, this is where most of us will get hung up.