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Tag: self compassion

Eyes Open

We’re in the midst of widespread and multi-faceted impositions; an assault on our senses and sensemaking, accelerating nefarious agendas, collapsing regimes and realities, and the systemic exposure of the ugliness among us that’s been hiding in plain sight forever.

Mirror Detox

If you’re still standing, after all that 2020 has thrown at you, well done. If you’ve passed on, why do you still give a shit about social media? It is, collectively, becoming the world’s biggest running joke.


Our identity (idem, the same; identidem, repeatedly; we recreate ourselves as we perceive ourselves, until we do otherwise) and our individuality, or individuation (in-divisible expression of duality — quantified as the apparently physical, and the etheric, elemental, energetic, conscious constituents of which it is constructed) may be usefully encapsulated as a “person”.