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Tag: spirituality

The Fearful

We are so afraid. You can see the evidence everywhere: how we treat ourselves; how we consciously and unconsciously control and manipulate each other; how we raise our kids; how we treat employees; how we need lawyers; how we troll on social media, and how the vast majority of snap judgment is biased toward the negative and fearful.

Love + Light

Love, consciousness, plus the wave-icle, light. In our perceptions and observations, light can behave as both a particle, and a wave. It has to, for that’s what it takes for our current biology to make any use of it.


If you’re truly interested in it — an art form or skill, another language, a stronger, healthy body or mind, a trade, fixing an engine, travel, coding, reading more books, sailing, film stunts, special FX makeup, building CG worlds, scoring a film like John Williams, writing a script or novel — make it a part of your life, or it’ll remain apart from it.

Hidden Costs

Low-vibration environments, emotions and experiences produce energies that are cumulative, and will build to overwhelm. This can be a good thing. But perhaps it isn’t necessary.